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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DEVELOPMENT STUDIES

                                                                            Copyright © 1999 International Development Options

                                                                                               All Rights Reserved



Volume One                                                                   Winter 1998-Spring 1999                                                               Numbers 3-4.





     John Walton Cotman

     Department of Political Science

     Howard University

     Washington, D.C. 20059

     Published online: December 15, 2016





This article examines the remarkable improve­ment in diplomatic and economic relations between Cuba and the nations of the Caribbean Communi­ty and Common Market (CARICOM).  After the United States' invasion of Grenada in 1983, Havana's ties with the Anglophone Caribbean deteriorated dramatically.  Since the col­lapse of the Soviet bloc this trend has been re­versed.  Policy­makers in Cuba and the CARICOM states fear that the reali­ties of the post-Cold War global market will overwhelm Caribbean econo­mies.  They have been actively promoting regional economic inte­gration in order to optimize their chances for economic survival in the twenty-first century.  Despite significant impediments, including efforts by U.S. officials to prevent and reverse Cuba-CARICOM diplomatic and economic coopera­tion, it has expanded and institu­tionalized.











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