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   1.   Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) (2010). Caribbean Tourism Performance Review 2009, February 2010.


   2.   Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago (CBTT) (2009). Governor’s Remarks for the CIB/CLICO Media Conference, January 30, 2009.


   3.   Dervis, Kemal and Nancy Birdsall (2006). “A Stability and Social Investment Facility for High-Debt Countries.” Center for Global Development, Working Paper 77.


   4.   Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) (2009). Balance of Payments Statistics 2009. St. Kitts/Nevis, November.


   5.   International Monetary Fund (IMF) (2009a). The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Low-Income Countries, Report Prepared by IMF Staff Team. Washington, D.C., March.


   6.   ---------------------------------------------(2009b). Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2009 Discussion on Common Policies of Members Countries – Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, IMF Country Report No. 09/175 (Washington, June).


   7.   --------------------------------------------- (2009c). The State of Public Finances Cross-Country Fiscal Monitor, IMF Staff Position Note SPN/09/25, September 2009. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.


   8.   --------------------------------------------- (2009d). Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere Crisis Averted –What’s Next? October 2009. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.


   9.   McIntyre, Arnold (2009). "The IMF in the Global Economy: New Initiatives and Prospects." Paper presented at the CCMF 13th Annual Senior Level Policy Seminar in Jamaica, September 2009.


  10.   Mishra, Prachi (2006). “Emigration and Brain Drain: Evidence from the Caribbean.” IMF Working Paper WP/06/25, January 2006. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.


  11.   Sahay, Ratna (2005). “Stabilization, Debt & Fiscal Policy in the Caribbean.” IMF Working Paper WP/05/26, February 2005. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.


  12.   World Bank and Organization of American States (OAS) (2009). Caribbean: Accelerating Trade Integration: Policy Options for Sustained Growth, Job Creation and Poverty Reduction. Washington, D.C: World Bank.

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